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All press releases

Birds, bats and nearby forest increase cacao yield - Pressemitteilung, 08.06.2023
Peru is the third largest producer of organic cacao worldwide and is also a leader in the cultivation of native cacao varieties – producing chocolate that is internationally recognized for its…

Māori and Moriori ancestors return home - Pressemitteilung, 01.06.2023
The University of Göttingen has returned koiwi tangata (Māori skeletal remains) and koimi t'chakat (Moriori skeletal remains) from its collections to a delegation from Aotearoa (New Zealand) a…

Abandoning land transforms nature - Pressemitteilung, 31.05.2023
More and more people are moving from the countryside into towns, leading to a rise in the number of abandoned fields, pastures, mines, factories, and even entire villages. Yet the impact of th…

Abandoning land transforms nature - Pressemitteilung, 31.05.2023
More and more people are moving from the countryside into towns, leading to a rise in the number of abandoned fields, pastures, mines, factories, and even entire villages. Yet the impact of th…

Stories of people who fled from Ukraine - Pressemitteilung, 30.05.2023
What does it mean to flee? What do you take with you when you suddenly have to leave your home behind? Three artists, who themselves fled Ukraine due to the war and currently live in Kassel, f…

Rapeseed and the enemy in the soil - Pressemitteilung, 26.05.2023
Crops have a high nutritional value, which makes them attractive to harmful microorganisms. In fact, most pathogens can only attack specific plants and there has been much research to try to d…

Tree islands bring biodiversity to oil palm plantations - Pressemitteilung, 25.05.2023
Islands of trees in oil palm plantations can significantly increase biodiversity within five years without reduc-ing productivity. This has been shown by an experiment, which has been running …

The elusive minority: non-binary gender in prehistoric Europe - Pressemitteilung, 24.05.2023
People tend to think that the idea that biological sex is linked with one’s role in society belongs in the past. But was it even the case in prehistory? Archaeologists have investigated the re…

“Hightech” materials from nature - Pressemitteilung, 22.05.2023
Most biological cells have a fixed place in an organism. However, cells can become mobile and move through the body, for example, during wound healing or when tumour cells divide uncontrollabl…

Healthy teeth thanks to the "washing machine effect” - Pressemitteilung, 11.05.2023
Ruminants like cows have developed an unusual way of digesting their food: they ingest plants, give them a rough chewing and then swallow the half-chewed mash before regurgitating it repeatedl…

Research without borders between theory and experiment - Pressemitteilung, 09.05.2023
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended its funding for the Research Training Group (RTG) “Benchmark Experiments for Numerical Quantum Chemistry” (BENCh) at the University of Götting…

Bugs in species-rich forests mean improved productivity - Pressemitteilung, 09.05.2023
Forests are home to 80% of the world’s plant and animal diversity and are vital for global conservation. How-ever, biodiversity in forests is under serious threat from human activity and clima…

Innovative 3D drug screening system - Pressemitteilung, 05.05.2023
Professor Timo Betz, University of Göttingen, has been awarded a Proof of Concept (PoC) grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for his “TissMec” project to develop a 3D screening system …

Male yellow crazy ants are real-life chimeras - Pressemitteilung, 27.04.2023
The Yellow Crazy Ant is named after its erratic movements when disturbed. It is one of the worst invasive animals in the world, threatening other animal populations and forming supercolonies t…

Evolutionary origins of the brain - Pressemitteilung, 05.04.2023
The first brains in the world of animals marked a decisive step in evolution. How did the first brains evolve and what form did they take? Fred Wolf from the University of Göttingen and the Ma…