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All press releases

Inadequate protection for women and girls seeking refuge in Germany - Pressemitteilung, 15.07.2021
Germany is not meeting its legal obligations to protect refugee women and girls from discrimination. This is the conclusion of a "shadow report” with input from Göttingen University. Based on …

Trust me, I’m a chatbot - Pressemitteilung, 14.07.2021
More and more companies are using chatbots in customer services. Due to advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, chatbots are often indistinguishable from humans wh…

A database for research in ancient myths - Pressemitteilung, 12.07.2021
Customised software for research: Göttingen State and University Library has created a special database for the DFG research group "STRATA". The research group at the Faculty of Humanities dea…

Genome editing for food: how do people react? - Pressemitteilung, 09.07.2021
A research team from the University of Göttingen and the University of British Columbia (Canada) has investigated how people in five different countries react to various usages of genome editi…

Using genomics to save the bees - Pressemitteilung, 07.07.2021
The molecular biologist, Professor Bertram Brenig at Göttingen University, has won the 2021 Agricultural Greater Good Grant. This award recognizes research proposals that will increase the sus…

Exceptional funding for exceptional projects - Pressemitteilung, 06.07.2021
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) have funded Göttingen University's activities in the European Network ENLIGHT with a furth…

Neanderthal artists? Our ancestors decorated bones over 50,000 years ago - Pressemitteilung, 05.07.2021
Since the discovery of the first fossil remains, the image of the Neanderthal has been one of a primitive hominin. People have known for a long time that Neanderthals were able to effectively …

Funding awarded for Human Cognition and Behavior building - Pressemitteilung, 02.07.2021
The Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (Joint Science Conference, GWK) of the German Government and the Länder has awarded funding for the Human Cognition and Behavior (HuCaB) research building…

Multitalented filaments in living cells - Pressemitteilung, 30.06.2021
The cells that make up our bodies are exposed to a variety of stresses: heart and lungs have to withstand lifelong expansion and contraction; our skin has to be resistant to tearing whilst ret…

Brand new infrastructure for high-performance computing - Pressemitteilung, 30.06.2021
Göttingen University handed over its largest new building project to date to its future users: after a symbolic handover of the keys, the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung m…

Bronze Age: how the market began - Pressemitteilung, 29.06.2021
self-regulating market even exist in the Bronze Age? And what can weight systems tell us about this? A team of researchers from the University of Göttingen researched this by investigating the…

Good food in a nice setting: wild bees need diverse agricultural landscapes - Pressemitteilung, 29.06.2021
Mass-flowering crops such as oilseed rape or faba bean provide valuable sources of food for bees, which, in turn, contribute to the pollination of both the crops and nearby wild plants when th…

Coronavirus crisis and social citizenship in India - Pressemitteilung, 24.06.2021
In India, the coronavirus pandemic threw into sharp relief the unevenness of India’s infrastructure of social redistribution. Professor Ravi Ahuja of the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at th…

High-resolution microscope built from LEGO and bits of phone - Pressemitteilung, 23.06.2021
Microscopy is an essential tool in many fields of science and medicine, but many have limited access to this technology. Researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Münster managed to b…

Stronger together: how protein filaments interact - Pressemitteilung, 18.06.2021
Just as the skeleton and muscles move the human body and hold its shape, all the cells of the body are stabilised and moved by a cellular skeleton. Unlike our skeleton, this cellular skeleton …