Workshop "Kreatives Karrieremanagement"
The professional world of today is developing towards more complexity and a high pace. Companies and job-roles are changing quickly and it becomes normal to have several professions and jobs in your career.
The less stability comes from the outside, the more each individual is challenged to create your own (personal and professional) path in an active and self-responsible way.
But how can I make the right career-decisions and which job really fits my requirements and me?
Especially younger people with little experience in the job world find it often hard, to answer these questions without specific support.
Recognizing your own talents and wishes is crucial for all decisions and then finding the courage to follow your insights. Additionally, people are most successful when acting in accordance to their individual passions and values and ? over the years ? discover their calling. Finding joy in your daily work makes is not only more satisfying but makes us capable of high performance in the long run.
Contents and aim oft the workshop
The goal of this two-day workshop is to survey this unique potential, to refine, which of all possibilities are of real importance to oneself, to understand some of the fabrics and tools of a self-guided career, and will learn how to move first steps on this path.
Participants will systematically investigate their favourite skills and interests and supportive working conditions. They will also gain insights on salaries, the job market/job opportunities, and on tools and strategies to research and proceed on a career. Additionally to gaining personal insights that can be applied immediately in current career decisions, the participants also learn a method. With this method they are able to readjust their path on their own, whenever necessary, while proceeding on their life long career.
Methods used
The approach is systematic and creative at the same time. For a lively, yet concentrated and personal working atmosphere trainer input, small group work, plenary sessions, solitary work and open space for questions will alternate in this workshop. We combine elements from the field of systemic coaching with tools from the international career counsellor Richard Nelson Bolles.