In publica commoda


1. What is ‘Online-in-Präsenz’?
Online indicates that students can provide their evaluation at any time and from any Internet-compatible mobile device during the given evaluation period via a digital questionnaire in Stud.IP, provided they are registered as a course participant in Stud.IP in good time (i.e. 48hrs) before the start of a survey. In-Präsenz means that the teacher incorporates the evaluation in their course and thus enables all participants to provide their evaluation together and at the same time. This guarantees responses for the course evaluation. This part of the procedure depends especially heavily in the introductory phase on clear supportive communication by the teacher. If a student has no mobile device, or they require a specific technical operating environment, or are absent on the day of the ‘Online-in-Präsenz’ evaluation, or network problems occur, then, in addition to ‘in-Präsenz’, this procedure offers students the possibility of providing their evaluation online via Stud.IP within the evaluation period regardless of time or place.
2. As a teacher, how can I view the evaluation data for my courses?
Select the relevant course in Stud.IP via ‘Meine Veranstaltungen’ [My Courses]. Then go to the ‘Verwaltung’ [Administration] tab and select ‘Lehrveranst.-Evaluation’ [Course Evaluation] from the options shown. This will show you the relevant data for the evaluation of your course as arranged by the faculty. You can find a detailed illustrated guide in the current Stud.IP manual for teachers on the course evaluation website.
3. Can students take part in the survey once the evaluation period has started if they have not yet registered on the list of participants?
No, once a survey has started it is no longer technically possible for these students to take part in the evaluation. In order for students to be able to take part in an evaluation, they must have registered for the course in good time (i.e. 48hrs) before the start of a survey in Stud.IP.
4. Can the evaluation period be changed?
The main evaluation period in the 2019 summer semester for all courses taking place in the lecture period is 1st to 12th July. Different evaluation periods can only be set for courses that have no attended classes in the stated time-frame. In the 2019 summer semester pilot phase, the academic deans’ offices involved have set a period of at least two weeks for undertaking the course evaluations. This guarantees teachers a certain degree of flexibility in carrying out the evaluations and also allows students the opportunity to undertake online evaluation later via Stud.IP (see also Question 1). As a rule there are no more evaluations in the last week of teaching, as this time is planned for holding feedback conversations.
If the evaluation period has started and the survey is under way, it is technically no longer possible to change it. If the dates of a course are outside the given evaluation period, the teacher can have the period of evaluation for this course changed by 25th June. Please contact the evaluation team by e-mail in this case: E-Mail
5. Are the questionnaires also available in English?
Yes, students can complete all the questionnaires in German or English. The German or English language version can be accessed using the flag symbols at the top of a survey. You can find sample English forms in the menu on the right hand side by selecting ‘English’ at the top right of the following website oben rechts die Ansicht „English“ auswählen.
6. What is the best way to integrate the teacher’s optional questions?
Currently it is not technically possible to show the teacher’s optional questions directly and automatically in the questionnaire. You can however continue to use the option of the dummy questions (usually under ‘Frage der Lehrperson’ [Teacher’s Question]) in each questionnaire. We recommend that you let your students know your questions in advance, using the notification functions in Stud.IP (course announcements), by e-mail and/or during class at the start of the Online-in-Präsenz evaluation.
7. Where can I find sample questionnaires?
On the following website you can find sample current and faculty-specific questionnaires in the menu on the right hand side. For the English samples, please switch to the ‘English’ view using the selection button at top right.
8. Does the teacher have to generate the QR code in Stud.IP for evaluation to take place at all?
No, use of a QR code is optional. Students can access and carry out the evaluation directly in Stud.IP. However some students prefer a QR code.
9. Is it (technically) possible for the students to provide their evaluation outside of class?
Yes, students can access the questionnaire online in Stud.IP and complete it (once) throughout the evaluation period. All students have however been informed about the importance of the Online-in-Präsenz procedure (see Points 1 and 2).
10. What should we do if several teachers are involved in a course that is being evaluated?
If a course is given by several teachers, there are three possible options for selecting the relevant teacher(s): a) only one member of teaching staff is evaluated. b) all/or a selection of the teachers are evaluated in one questionnaire. c) all/several teachers are evaluated individually with their own questionnaire. Please note that it is not worth answering all points in the questionnaire in the case of Option b). For Option c) students are given a separate questionnaire for each teacher at the start of the evaluation period. N.B. Please would students to take note of any announcements teachers make, in case sections of the evaluation have to be carried out at different times.
11. As a teacher, how can I view the analytical reports for my evaluations?
In Stud.IP select which course report you want to see. Then click on the tab ‘Lehrveranst.-Evaluation’ [Course Evaluation]. As soon as the minimum response rate of six participants which is necessary for an anonymised analysis is reached (by resolution of the 2010 Central Committee for Teaching and Learning), you can view the results here in real-time. These results are designed to help with the subsequent feedback conversations. When the survey closes at the end of the evaluation period you will receive the final report as a PDF document by e-mail. You can find a detailed illustrated guide in the current Stud.IP manual for teachers on the course evaluation website.
12. As a tutor, who should I contact if I am unable to view the report with the results of the course evaluation?
The real-time results and the report with the results of the course evaluation can only be seen in Stud.IP by individuals who are recorded as ‘Dozent*in’ [Teacher]. Tutors, who generally have a student account in Stud.IP, need an account with ‘Teacher’ clearance. You can apply for this via E-Mail
13. Are the results also available in English?
Yes. You can get your reports in English by changing the language in your studIP profile to English: Click on the arrow next to the profile-icon in the top right hand corner and select "settings". On the following page under "general settings" you can switch languages from German to English. Save your settings. Now your reports are available in English.
14. As a teacher, do I have to release the survey?
No. During the evaluation period, participating students will automatically have access to the digital questionnaire provided they are registered as participants in Stud.IP in good time (i.e. 48hrs in advance).

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Student and Academic Servives
Quality Management

Team course evaluation
Wilhelmsplatz 2
D-37073 Göttingen

Anke Klingebiel
Tel.: +49 (0)551/39-29915

Sylvia Rapp
Tel.: +49 (0)551/39-24888


Homepage zum Quality Management

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