In publica commoda


The objective of the master's degree programme is the systematic, in-depth study of the subject of economic and social history. The curriculum consists of a "convergence area" (18 credits), a "compulsory area" of economic and social history (30 credits), an "elective area history of global markets" (12 credits) and, finally, a "profile area" (30 credits). In addition, students have to write a master's thesis within a period of 20 weeks. The written master's thesis (30 credits) is prepared by participating in a project seminar (6 credits, part of the compulsory area).

In the convergence area, the students´ different backgrounds and qualifications will be taken into account: graduates of bachelor programmes in history will attend basic courses economics, while graduates with bachelor degrees in economics will attend courses with a historical emphasis.

Specialisation takes place within the "profile area" by developing theoretical and methodological profiles in conjunction with other disciplines that are closely related to economic and social history. Students with an "Economy & Institutions" profile will focus on (macro) economics modules. Students with a "Business & Management" profile will concentrate on business management modules and students with the "Society & Culture" profile will place their focus on historical and sociological modules. Students in the "Globalization" profile, finally, will work closely with area specialists for economic development in Asia and other regions outside Europe.

Detailed information about the study programme as well as a detailed listing of the modules/courses offered can be found on the programme website of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Recommended course of studies

Module directory
