Schritt 2: Studienausweis und eCampus
Every student of the University receives their own student ID in the form of a chip card.
Furthermore, you will receive your access data for the eCampus portal.
There you will find online facilities for organising your studies, such as the FlexNow examination management system, the StudIP learning management platform, your student E-mail account and the self-service functions you can use to re-register for the next semester, print out enrolment certificates or edit your contact data.
The student ID card itself fulfils a great variety of functions apart from just being a means of identification:
it can be used for cashless payments at cafeterias, as a library card or copy card and even serves as a semester rail and bus ticket.
Learn how to get your Student ID and how you can use it in this step!

Create student card and collect account
The first thing you need to do is order the creation of your student ID card and obtain the access data for your student account. Please follow these instructions:

Semester tickets
Yours semester tickest includes the digital Germany semesterticket as well as a culture ticket.
The digial Germany Semesterticket allows you to use all public transport in Germany.
With the culture ticket, students receive drastically reduced or even free entrance to cultural events, such as theatres or museums, as well as music events in clubs or the culture centre.
The costs of the „Semesterticket“ are included in the semester fee and have to be paid by all students, regardless of whether they actually use the ticket or not.
You must apply for the digital Semseterticket yourself. You will receive information on how to do this from the beginning of September.
Please note: Newly enrolled students can use the semester rail ticket when the semester starts. For a winter semester that is October 1st and for a summer semester April 1st. If you fetch your card before this date, you have to wait untill the semester actually starts to use the semester ticket.

Online tools
Via the eCampus of Georg-August University Göttingen you log in just once and have access to all services described below.The starting page of this portal can be individually adapted to your needs and offers useful information about all aspects of studying.
Via the eCampus of Georg-August University Göttingen you log in just once and have access to all services described below.The starting page of this portal can be individually adapted to your needs and offers useful information about all aspects of studying.
Self-service function
Use the menu point „More“ on eCampus to find the self-Service functions (SB-Funktion). Here you can change your contact data (adress, phone number), generate study reports (e.g. certificate of enrolment, certificate of periods of University education, certificate of BAföG) or choose a new password for eCampus. Besides you can deposit a SEPA-Mandat on your account, so that you are able to report back (re-enroll) for the next semester conveniently with just a few clicks. Periods of re-enrolment are 1. December - 31. Januarry for the next summer semester and 1. June – 31. July for the next winter semester.
Course catalogue ("Vorlesungsverzeichnis")
You can find the course catalogue in eCampus under "Studies offered". You can search for courses here and obtain module descriptions and further information about them. You can also search for people and room data here.
All students of Georg-August University Göttingen are granted a free Internet connection together with an E-mail address. The normal composition of the E-mail address is: The first part of the address is your user ID and user name for Internet log-in at the University, eCampus and all services linked to it. You personal password is valid for everything.Attention: Check the emails regularly! The account serves as the only contact address for the university and you will receive important announcements and notifications there. If you have questions about installing the Wifi or other topics you will be supported by StudIT. Get to know the offers of StudIT in this Video:
Video StudITStudIP
This is the central platform for organising and overseeing courses of Göttingen University. Many lectures and seminars have their own Website in one of these learning management systems. On this platform you can download and exchange educational material or discuss topics online. The registration for certain courses is also done on StudIP. (The faculty of medicine has ist own integrated platform for students (go@med), where teaching material, results exams and Evaluations, and a report on the current level of Performance. You can reach this platform via eCampus as well.)
Booking and cancelling of examinations: book or cancel examinations online. You will receive a confirmation mail to your e-mail account as receipt. Attention: registration is (normally) possible until 7 days before the date of a written examination. The cancellation deadline is 24 hours prior to the date of the written examination. Performance overview: view details of your performance so far. Compile your own performance overview in PDF format. As soon as a result can be viewed, you will automatically receive a notification addressed to your e-mail account. Please note: if desired, you can ask to be notified of your grade in the e-mail sent to you automatically. To activate this function, click on “Settings” in the performance overview after login. Statistics: contains many different options for viewing detailed information about your personal performance status, such as your own ranking within the degree programme or the average grades of written examinations.
Other services and links
Besides these main functions you can rent study rooms in the Lern- und Studiengebäude (LSG), apply for the scholarship „Deutschlandstipendium“, fill out electronic forms (e.g. to exmatriculate at the end of your studies) and much more via eCampus. Just have a look on eCampus after you have picked up your Student ID.

Digital site map
You can find rooms, get information on barriers and much more in the digital map of the university.