Archaeology of the Greco-Roman and Byzantine World (B.A.) (two subjects)
In the Bachelor's subject "Archaeology of the Greco-Roman and Byzantine World", students acquire broad knowledge of the art and cultural history of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine world. Their contacts with neighbouring cultures are also examined. In doing so, the students acquire the ability to work independently in a scientific manner.
The subject provides in particular an overview of:
- the most important epochs & geographical units of the Greco-Roman and Byzantine world,
- their central monumental genres (sculpture, ceramics, architecture, mosaic, mural painting),
- their functional contexts (city, country, environment, house, sanctuary, tomb),
- Representational content and iconography (mythology, gods, figures of the Christian religion, historical persons and events).
Classical archaeology, Christian archaeology and Byzantine art history are cultural and visual sciences. At the end of the degree programme, graduates should understand and be able to apply the basic subject-specific methods and theoretical approaches. They should also have a command of the specialised terminology.
The subject teaches analytical skills in dealing with archaeological finds and pictorial works. Students learn visual skills and gain an awareness of the medial properties of historical sources. However, students also acquire practical skills and competences that can be used in a variety of ways: e.g. researching information, presenting arguments and results, self-organisation and experience abroad.
- Programme:
- Archaeology of the Greco-Roman and Byzantine World
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (two subjects)
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start:
- Only the winter semester
- Language of the programme:
- German
- Admission:
- open
(enrolment without previous application) - Orientation events:
- Orientation events are offered
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Campus Tours
With students on the road
They are introduced to Greek, Roman and Byzantine culture and ancient history through introductory lectures and tutorials. The degree programme takes into account the current academic trend towards cultural anthropological questions and interdisciplinary field research. This is achieved by means of integrative cultural-comparative courses in cooperation with neighbouring disciplines as well as high practical components. You can take internal and external practical courses, for example in excavation technology, surveying technology, drawing and photographic object documentation, digital image processing, ceramic analysis and restoration, moulding techniques, museology, monument preservation, archaeological science journalism with the corresponding career-qualifying perspectives.
Examination results are usually achieved by giving presentations and writing assignments. In this way, you will thoroughly learn how to work scientifically and acquire numerous additional competences:
- Targeted research of information,
- Evaluation of the information and argumentation based on it,
- Presentation of the results achieved, i.e. the ability to express oneself verbally, visually and in writing.
The Archaeological Institute's networks at home and abroad allow you mobility (e.g. Erasmus) already in the Bachelor's programme.
In addition, the students are thus well prepared for writing their final thesis and actively shape their courses through the presentations.
Basically, two subjects are combined in one degree programme! "Classical Archaeology" deals with earlier antiquity, "Christian Archaeology/Byzantine Art History" with later antiquity. They therefore build on each other. The Bachelor's degree programme makes use of the common methodological foundations as well as overlaps in content. In addition, students gain an insight into the various research foci of the lecturers (e.g. political and religious iconography, stylistic analysis, cultural contacts, gender, architecture, landscape, liturgy).
The Archaeological Institute in Göttingen offers you excellent libraries and, above all, 250-year-old collections of ancient originals, casts of ancient sculptures and coins. They are continuously used in the courses. Already in early semesters, students come into direct contact with archaeological material. The institute's restoration workshop offers students important practice. There are cooperations with the museums in Kassel, Hanover and Frankfurt. Internships can be completed there during the practical part of the programme. Numerous field research projects in Italy, Greece and Spain also offer favourable conditions for quickly gaining practical archaeological experience.
The multifaceted study of archaeology in Göttingen creates the best opportunities for training and research, especially in the fields of ancient sculpture and iconography, architecture, historical regional studies, numismatics and the reception of antiquity.
No Latinum or Graecum is required for the Bachelor's programme. However, the multilingual nature of the subject-specific academic literature requires students to have reading skills in more than one European language, of course: English. Knowledge of French, Italian, Spanish or Modern Greek may also be required. But these are not formally tested!
For students who, after successful completion of the BA, intend to pursue a Master's degree in "Classical Archaeology" or "Archaeology and Art History of the Late Antique and Byzantine World", it is worthwhile to acquire basic knowledge of the ancient languages (Latin and Greek) and the above-mentioned modern languages through courses offered by the University. These achievements can be credited in the professionalization and key competencies area. At the same time, the language skills can promote the international orientation and intercultural competences of the students.
The choice of a second subject can generally be freely made. Students whose occupational goals lie in the narrower area of the Science of Antiquity and are striving for admission to a Master's programme are suggested to select the subjects and modules in the area of professionalisation from The Science of Antiquity, Art History or other Cultural Sciences (such as Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology).
The acquisition of knowledge in Latin and Greek in the area of professionalisation (9 credits each) is considered to be an in-depth scientific profile as part of archaeological advanced studies.
The programme conveys knowledge as well as methodical and practical skills, enabling graduates to qualify for occupations in the fields of youth and adult education, culture management, tourism, publishing houses, the press, new media, diplomatic institutions, international organisations, etc. Graduates also have the possibility to continue their studies in a Master's programme to prepare themselves for a scientific career path in fields related to museums, the conservation of ancient monuments, universities as well as non-university research institutions.
Related and consecutive/graduate programmes
Related programmes
Consecutive/graduate programmes
The Bachelor's program "Archaeology of the Classical and Byzantine World" (66 credits) is a joint study program carried out by the subjects Classical Archaeology and Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art History. Modules 201 and 203 of the introductory phase provide basic knowledge of the two disciplines and offer orientation for the coming semesters. Beginning in the second semester, you will choose your concentration in one of the two subjects and complete the concentration modules (202-1 and 204a-207a for Classical Archaeology, 202-2 and 204-207b for Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art History). Included there are practical exercises and field trips. In addition, there are supplementary offerings for the key competency and professionalization area, where credit can also be earned for participation in our research projects and internships. In the sixth semester, you then complete your studies with the bachelor's thesis.
- Overview of the type and scope of the compulsory and elective compulsory modules to be taken:
- Module 201 (compulsory module): Introduction to the archaeology of the Greek, Roman and Byzantine world (12C / 8 SWS)
- Module 203 (compulsory module): (6/4)
- Module 202-1 or 202-2 (compulsory elective): Working methods of Classical Archaeology (12/8) or Working methods of Late Antiquity and Byzantine Archaeology and Art History (12/8)
- Module 204a/b (Focus Module): Contexts (9/6)
- Module 205a/b (Focus Module): Genres, epochs, regions - classification (9/6)
- Module 206a/b (Focus Module): Genres, Epochs, Regions - Interpretation (9/6)
- Module 207a/b (Focus Module): Analysis and Interpretation (9/6)
Regulations and module directory
- Start:
- Winter semester only
- 1st subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Study and examination advice Faculty of Humanities
Tina Seufer and Eva Wolff
Humboldtallee 17
DE-37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 21888 (Seufer)
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 26713 (Wolff)
Academic Advising
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bergemann
Archaeological Institute and collection of plaster casts
Nikolausberger Weg 15
D-37073 Göttingen
Phone: (0551) 39-27502