Exkursion nach Hamburg zum Thema "internationaler Handel"

On June 3, 2010 an excursion to Hamburg with the topic "international trade" was offered. The program consisted of a visit at the wholesalemarket for fruits and vegetables, a visit at Toepfer International and a tour threw the port of Hamburg.

At Troepfer Hamberg an interesting presentation on “Main Drivers on the Global Grain & Oilseed Markets” was presented by a former Göttingen student, Dr. Oliver Balkhausen. Several issues were exposed such as crop production, climatological condition, insurance and a main focus on international trading.
A depth description of the actors, process and trading routes allowed the students to gather a better understanding on the topic and raise questions on aspects like contract conditions, pricing and legal restrictions. The second part of the presentation was focused on bioenergy’s and future scenarios in the Global trading.