FAO, Rom, Mai 2009

Excursion to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO),

Rome 22. - 26. June 2009

In June students of the master in International Agribusiness and some Ph.D students as well had the opportunity to visit some of the most important international institutions in the world which are part of the United Nations Organization (UNO). These institutions are FAO (Food Agricultural Organization), WFP (World Food Program) and IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). Additionally, the students visited the German Representative Office in Rome where they could spent time in an interesant conversation with the German Embassor in Italy. Complete program here.

From this excursion we have some comments from our friends Byron Jara und Sandra González.


"The Rome excursion definitely improved my understanding of the Agricultural Institutes we visited: FAO, World Food Program and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Now I understand better the role of these institutions in the development of the agricultural area in our countries. More in deep, these institutions provide us a lot of information that will be useful in order to choose or develop a theme for the Master thesis and moreover these institutions showed us the way to apply to job opportunities with them and they also explained us in which other institutions we can work or contribute to the development of our nations. Besides that Rome offered us a friendly environment and we enjoyed our free time discovering some places around the city, eating some delicious Italian food and drinking some specialized Italian wines".

(Byron Jara Lindao)


"This trip was very rewarding for me in several aspects. First, I could know closer the functions that carry out institutions like the FAO, IFAD, WFP and the representation of Germany in Rome. We distinguished the role that each of these institutions plays in order to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. I also enjoyed very much the Italian food, the wine and one week with plenty of sun in one of most beautiful cities of Europe".

(Sandra González Monge)