M.Sc. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
The recent revolution in biological science was driven by technological advancements that allow for the generation of high-throughput data in fields like sequencing technology that allows for the generation of genome data for a millionth of the price it had before dawn of this century — or deep learning trained on phenotype data for species identification. All of these advancements necessitate the (i) development and (ii) application of bioinformatic tools that can handle such data quantity and complexity. Further, new statistical challenges are posed and data handling needs to be rethought. To meet these challenges in our Master program. The MSc program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics connects objectives of biological and computational sciences. Core fields of the program are bioinformatics and systems biology, meaning the analysis and modelling of data in molecular biology and biochemistry, in particular from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Computational methods are supported by practical trainings in the wet lab. Graduates will have a strong biological background as well as being able to understand and develop software for the handling and analysis of biological data.
Breaking News:
The application window for applicants with EU citizensship or an EU-Bachelor degree will be open 1st April - 15th May.
General Information
- Program Structure
- Regulations and Course description
- People and Contacts
- What students say
- Example schedule
Application and Admission
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For enrolled students
Career and Profession
Advice and Support
- Office of Studies
- Fachgruppe Biologie & Biodiversität
- Equal Opportunity Team of the faculty
- Central Student Advisory Service
- Ombudsperson and Complaint Management
- Psychosocial Counseling (PSB)
- Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic (PAS)
- Equal Opportunities and Diversity
- studying parents
- Barrier-free studying
- Asta
Fakultät für Biologie und Psychlogie
Wilhelm-Weber-Str. 2
37073 Göttingen
Dekan: Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniel
Studiendekan: Prof. Dr. Ernst Wimmer