MSc/MEdu Theses
Lena Schulz (AG Lai) Background estimation methods in the split-boosted 1-lepton X→SH→bbWW analysis for Run 3 at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2024/12 |
Lina Buschmann (AG Lai) Conceptualization of a Boosted HH → bbWW* Analysis in the 1-lepton final state for ATLAS Run 3 II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2024/11 |
Theresa Reisch (AG Quadt) Disentangling Quantum Mechanics in Top Quark Pairs at the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2024/09 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2024-341) |
Athul Dev Sudhakar Ponnu (AG Lai) High Level Trigger Optimization Studies in the ATLAS search for Higgs Boson Pair Production in the HH→ bb τ_had τ_had channel II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2023/03 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2023-377) |
Matthias Drescher (AG Quadt) ITk-Pixel FELIX/RD53A Read-out Chain Stress Test Preparations II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2023/02 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2023-067) |
Leon Stöcker (AG Lai, jointly supervised with Prof. Steffen Schumann) Aspects of Jet Grooming in Theory and Experiment for Boosted Topologies in the Context of the ATLAS 1-Lepton X → HH → bbWW* Analysis II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2023/01 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2023-078) |
Anne Gaa (AG Lai) Development of the Detector Control System of the ITk Outer Barrel Demonstrator for the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2022/07 |
Vanessa Grauer (AG Lai) Investigation of the Modelling and Performance of the ATLAS Tau Trigger using Tag & Probe Analyses with Run-2 LHC data at √s = 13 TeV II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2022/06 |
Uday Saidev Polisetty (AG Quadt) Monte Carlo event generation and model validation for lepton universality II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2022/04 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2022-236) |
André Wilhahn (AG Lai) Investigation of Fast Hadron Shower Simulation Methods with the CALICE AHCAL Prototype II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2022/03 |
Moritz Habbaba (AG Quadt) Measurement of the associated production of top-antitop pair with charm jets using the DL1r b-tagging algorithm in the dileptonic final state II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2022/02 |
Hans Joos (AG Lai) Development of the Detector Control System of the ITk Outer Barrel demonstrator for the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2022/01 |
Naman Kumar Bhalla (AG Lai) Searches for resonant Higgs boson pair production in the bbWW(*) decay channel for the boosted single-lepton final state at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2021/03 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2021-383) |
Tomke Schröer (AG Quadt) Measurement of the tt + Z Cross Section in the Four Lepton Channel Using a Deep Neural Network II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2021/02 (also available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2021-318) |
Stephen Eggebrecht (AG Quadt) Modelling of the tt + bb Process with the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2021/01 |
Sreelakshmi Sindhu (AG Quadt) Interpretation of top-antitop-photon production rate in effective field theories (carried out under supervision by Prof. Dr. A. Quadt, submitted to IISER Pune in partial fulfilment of the BS-MS dual degree programme) available at the IISER Pune repository |
Marike Schwickardi (AG Quadt) Characterisation of Low Gain Avalanche Detectors II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2019/06 |
Steffen Korn (AG Quadt) Multi-Class Classification of ttγ Final States in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 13 TeV in ATLAS Using a Deep Neural Network II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2019/05 |
Kieran Amos (AG Lai) Measurement of the tau trigger efficiency and investigation of the CP nature of the Higgs boson in the ditau decay channel with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2019/03 |
Kevin Moor (AG Quadt) Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in the lepton + jets channel at the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2019/02 |
Joshua Beirer (AG Lai) Performance studies of advanced H → bb tagging methods for searches for resonant Higgs boson pair production in the bbWW* decay channel with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2019/01 |
Tobias Fitschen (AG Lai) Prospects for VBF H → τlepτhad measurements at the High-Luminosity LHC with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/07 |
Paul Konstantin Krug (AG Quadt) Enhancing the signal-to-background ratio in the ttH channel through top quark spin correlations II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/06 |
Nils Gillwald (AG Lai) ATLAS sensitivity studies for HH → WWττ in the boosted topology II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/05 |
Andreas Kirchhoff (AG Quadt) Studies to classify prompt photons in the ttγ-process II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/04 |
Marcel Niemeyer (AG Quadt) Studies of Theoretical Uncertainties for the Measurement of the Top-Quark Width using Next-to-leading-Order (NLO) Generators II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/03 |
Marie Reinecke (AG Quadt) A measurement of the cross section of ttZ with two neutrinos in the final state at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/02 |
Ben Brüers (AG Quadt) Recommissioning of the ATLAS Diamond Beam Monitor II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2018/01 |
Arthur Linß (AG Lai) Investigation of the CP nature of the Higgs boson in VBF H → τlepτhad decays using the Optimal Observable in 13 TeV data II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/09 |
Kira Abeling (AG Lai) Search for di-Higgs production in the γγWW* decay channel with the 1-lepton final state and the boosted topology at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/08 |
Benedikt Völkel (AG Quadt) Studies of the discrimination between prompt photons and hadron fakes using neural networks II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/07 |
Lino Gerlach (AG Lai) Search for BSM H → ττ in the fully hadronic decay channel with ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/06 |
David Grote (AG Quadt) Reconstruction of tt(Z) events with three jets using a kinematic likelihood fit II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/05 |
Gaoyuan Wang (AG Quadt) Simulation and optimization studies for the measurement of the ttH(bb) process in the semileptonic channel at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/04 |
Fabian Sohns (AG Quadt) Studies on physical aspects related to the performance of the Kinematic Likelihood Fitter for the ATLAS collaboration including the development of new transfer functions for the 13 TeV run of the Large Hadron Collider II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/03 |
Kai Henßen (AG Lai) Search for resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs production in the decay channel γγWW*, with hadronically decaying W-bosons in boosted topology II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/02 |
Serhat Ördek (AG Lai) Investigation of the CP Nature of the Higgs Boson in VBF H → ττ Events at √s = 13 TeV II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2017/01 |
Knut Zoch (AG Quadt) Reconstruction of ttZ Events Using Kinematic Likelihood Fits at the ATLAS Detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/10 |
Fabian Kukuck (AG Quadt) Development of new triggers for the ATLAS Run 2 search for the Higgs boson produced in vector boson fusion and decaying into a pair of beauty quarks II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/08 |
Julian Wollrath (AG Lai) Search for resonant and non-resonant di-Higgs production in the 'hh → γγττ' channel II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/07 |
Tobias Orthen (AG Quadt) Studies of ttZ events in the OS dilepton channel at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/06 |
Timo Dreyer (AG Lai) Measurement of the Fake Rate for Hadronic Tau Lepton Decays using the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/05 |
Eric Buschmann (AG Quadt) Development with the upgraded USBPix Test System for the ATLAS Pixel Front-end Electronics II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/03 (available on CDS as CERN-THESIS-2016-308) |
Konstantin Lehmann (AG Quadt) Towards the Measurement of ttV Processes at 13 TeV − Monte Carlo Validation and Neural Network Analysis II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/02 |
Ishan Pokharel (AG Quadt) Search for the ttH signal with H 🠒 bb in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2016/01 |
Björn Klaas (AG Quadt) Upgrade of the firmware for the USBpix test system for the ATLAS Pixel Detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2015/06 |
Helge Christoph Beck (AG Quadt) TCT measurements with diamond for tracking detectors at high energy experiments II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2015/05 |
Lukas Weise (AG Quadt) Optimisation of the reconstruction of the H 🠒 ττ process in the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2015/04 |
Julien Beyer (AG Quadt) Efficiency and timing measurements with pixel-modules II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2015/02 |
Jannik Geisen (AG Quadt) Top modelling studies towards Run II II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2015/01 |
Christoph Klein (AG Quadt) Entwicklung eines TCT-Messaufbaus für Sensormaterialien für Spurdetektoren in der Hochenergie-Physik II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2014/10 |
Simon Schulte (AG Quadt) Measurement of the Z 🠒 ττ cross section in the lepton-hadron channel II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2014/09 |
Tobias Bisanz (AG Quadt) Testbeam measurements with pixel sensors for the ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2014/07 |
Johannes Agricola (AG Quadt) Development of a fast test system for ATLAS pixel front end electronics II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2014/05 |
Dominik Müller (AG Quadt) Studies on the Measurement of the Top-Quark Decay Width at the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2014/04 |
Nils-Arne Rosien (AG Quadt) Interpretation of Top Quark Measurements in the Context of Anomalous Wtb Couplings II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2014/02 |
Christian Wehrberger (AG Quadt) HappyFace Meta-Monitoring für ATLAS im Wordwide LHC Computing Grid II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2013/07 |
Veit Dahlke (AG Quadt) Reconstruction studies for ttH(H 🠒 bb) events with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2013/06 |
Eric Drechsler (AG Quadt) Suche nach dem Higgs-Boson im Vektorbosonfusionskanal in τ+τ −-Endzuständen mit dem ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2013/04 |
Cora Fischer (AG Quadt) Messung der W-Helizität in Top-Quark Zerfällen mit dem ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2013/03 |
Steffen Henkelmann (AG Quadt) Signal modelling and corresponding uncertainty studies for the search of the Higgs boson produced in association with a top-quark pair at the ATLAS experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2013/02 |
Frank Schuster (AG Quadt) Development of New Methods of Data Transmission for the Upgraded ATLAS Pixel Detector at the HL-LHC II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2013/01 |
Stephanie Schöning (AG Quadt) Didaktische Aufbereitung der 3D-Rekonstruktionssoftware für die Computertomographie zur Nutzung in öffentlichen Einrichtungen II.Physik-UniGö-MEd-2013/01 |
Julia Rieger (AG Quadt) Comparison of Thin n- and p-type Bulk Silicon Pixel Sensors II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/08 |
Chris Delitzsch (AG Quadt) Search for Top Flavour Violating Resonances in tt + jet Events with the ATLAS Experiment II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/07 |
Philipp Stolte (AG Quadt) Studies of Top Quark Properties Using a Profile Likelihood Fit at ATLAS II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/06 |
Jannik Hofestädt (AG Quadt) Muon triggers for Searches for Supersymmetry in Multi-Lepton Final States with the ATLAS Detector II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/05 |
Henrike Fleischhack (AG Quadt) Search for H± 🠒 W±Z events with the ATLAS detector at the LHC II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/04 |
Elina Fuchs (AG Quadt) Interference Effects in the MSSM in a Generalised Narrow-Width Approximation II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/03 |
Hans Weger (AG Quadt) Development of a Tracking Detector for Cosmic Muons using Fluorescent Tubes II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/02 |
Carsten Brachem (AG Quadt) Studies for a top quark mass measurement using the matrix element method in the semileptonic channel II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2012/01 |
Jens Dietert (AG Quadt) Entwicklung einer 3D-Bildrekonstruktionssoftware für die Computertomographie und Konzeption eines Anschauungsversuchs II.Physik-UniGö-MEd-2012/01 |
Hannes Vennekate (AG Quadt) Second Sound for heat source localisation II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2011/02 |
Lars Graber (AG Quadt) Characterisation of highly irradiated polychrystalline diamond sensors for ionising radiation II.Physik-UniGö-MSc-2011/01 |