On air! Guests of the podcast “Chatbots and AI” – Part 1

The image shows Melanie Schwede (left) and Dr. Nika Meyer (right). Both are wearing white Shirts and black blazers. They are framed by a speech bubble, and the assono logo is displayed in the bottom right corner of the image.

Research meets practice! We are excited to have had the opportunity to discuss the topic "How chatbots can increase customers' purchase intentions" on the podcast "Chatbots and AI" by the company assono, hosted by Thomas Bahn.

Chatbots have many different applications and need to behave slightly differently in each situation. Sometimes they need to be cool, distant, and professional, while other times they should be warm, friendly, or even playful. But when should a chatbot behave in which way?
Although a rough tendency can be derived from the use case, ideally, these decisions should be based on scientific data and findings. And that’s precisely what this podcast episode is about.
How is chatbot research conducted, and how does practice benefit from the results?

In the podcast, we specifically explore the questions:
"How should a chatbot be designed to increase a prospect's purchase intention when used in a company's sales process?",
"Should a chatbot reveal itself as such? How can that have a positive or negative impact?",
"Under what conditions or in which scenarios can humanizing chatbots backfire?" and
"How should a chatbot handle mistakes it causes to minimize potential reputational damage to the company?".

The podcast episode consists of two parts.

The first part of the episode was released on August 15, 2024.
In the first part of the interview, Thomas Bahn talks with Dr. Nika Meyer and Melanie Schwede about how chatbot research is conducted and published, using one of their scientific conference papers as an example.
They then explain their findings and how a chatbot can use a two-sided sales message to increase a potential customer's purchase intention.

Enjoy listening to the first part!


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Interested in the second part? Here’s the next part of the podcast episode.